www.basics.org.uk – the web home of the British Association for Immediate Care and a good source of information on training, new developments and local schemes.
www.resus.org.uk – The Resuscitation Council (UK) provides educational and reference materials as well as guidance on effective resuscitation methods.
www.greatnorthairambulance.co.uk – the home site for our local air ambulance service including latest news, events listings and fundraising ideas.
www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk – an online source of advice and healthcare information with plenty of answers to frequently-asked questions.
www.asancep.org.uk/JRCALC - a bit of a mouthful but the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee provides a national forum to support the UK Ambulance Service.
www.asa.uk.net– the site for the Ambulance Service Association with information on events and publications as well as careers as a paramedic.
www.rcsed.ac.uk – the website for the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh includes lots of useful medical links and news on recent developments in surgery.
www.hems-london.org.uk – this is the site for London’s Air Ambulance and it includes a useful FAQs page and advice on what to do in an emergency.
www.traumacare-uk.com – a charity that works with hospital staff across all the disciplines involved in trauma care.
www.medalert.org.uk - Web site for the Lancashire BASICS Scheme